Thursday, September 3, 2009

Your best friend should go to Jail

A good friend bails you out of jail, but a best friend goes to jail with you saying "damn, we messed up!"
~ Mr Smarty Pants

I came across this quote during my time in social networking sites, so I thought I'd comment briefly on it.  Honestly, it is a lame attempt at being profound, and worst of all, it doesn't really reflect truth. In context, I'd say that this quote seeks to answer "What makes a best friend?" but doesn't succeed. One could find more truth or profound sayings in a Cookbook - at least those descriptions make you hungry!

The main problem with this quote is that it ignores another alternative. Namely a friend that will do all in his/her power to prevent you from going to jail in the first place. And no, I'm not talking about a friend who is loaded with guns (like Neo from the Matrix) in order to crush anyone who wants to take you to jail. I'm talking about a person who does what is morally right in his life, and will do everything that is within his power to prevent you from doing anything that can harm you.

I suppose you could say I'm nitpicking. After all, the quote acknowledges that they screwed up but this ignores my point. The quote uses that as a criteria of what a best friend would do and I find that it really belittles the other friend who helps bail you out. Screwing up together does not magically make someone a best friend in any sense. If it does, then I'm missing out on a life-changing truth that I'd like to see defended. That way, I can go out and go to jail with a friend knowing that I'm cool and the best.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Introduction to Brutal Theism

I created this blog for the purpose of expressing my ideas, and to encourage discussion of other perspectives. As the blog title indicates, I'll largely be focusing on anything related to theism/religion, although I may at times feel obliged to comment on something unrelated for comedy relief or the like. Why the Brutal? Because often times, I have so many thoughts that I don't necessarily have the time to think them all through as I would like to. There will be moments where I'll produce professional articles, but for the most part, much of my ideas will be brutally (or roughly, if you prefer) presented.

Admittedly, I cannot say that Brutal Theism is a very creative name but in the future, I will most likely think of something better. This blog will serve as a foundation for my future blog in order to gather a fair amount of readers. Things that I want to achieve with this blog are as follows:

  • Engage with other bloggers who have differing or similar POV
  • Use it as a means of improving my writing and reasoning abilities
  • Discover and become friends with respectable individuals
  • To help me rule the world someday and to be recognized as History's most awesome person.
Haha! Okay, perhaps the last one was a bit unrealistic but you never know! Expect remarks like this throughout my blog, as I want it to reflect my personality so that it can be fun to read. A professionally dull exposition on completely abstract and complex notions would be torture for everyone (Torturous Theism anyone?) except for a few who have lost their humanity. As for me, I am a Christian philosopher with an aspiration to advance the greatness and wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hope you enjoy the blog!